My vision is to try and inspire as many people as possible to take steps to improve their health and fitness, and thereby, their life! Those steps may be baby steps, but they still count. By taking what I have learnt and talking about that through the pages of a magazine, or one to one with a client or on live TV or DVD I hope to motivate people to move more, to take greater care of and to appreciate their precious and amazing human body!

I have been fortunate enough to regularly present fitness products on QVC (Home shopping channel) for many years now and absolutley love it! QVC is live TV and is filmed with a host, who is there to make sure that any questions the viewers might have, I answer. I have represented great brands such as Everlast, Aeropilates and Total Gym and have recently branched off into a new area, cooking with Tiana Fairtrade coconut products in live kitchen shows. QVC always offers the best value and working there is like being part of a great big family!

​As a personal trainer, I incorporate all of my knowledge of traditional cardio and resistance training with Yoga and Pilates for all-round good health. I am endlessly fascinated by, and in awe of the human body and just how unique we all are. Investing in personal training sessions means having a programme specifically developed for you which can be adapted week by week as your body changes.

My first book was published in 200? and was called 'Shape Up! Tailor-made training for female body shapes' by A&C Black. This is a no-nonsense and very comprehnsive guide to the best type of exercise for your body shape (pear shape or apple for example) and includes dietary advice and exercise plans. Following this was 'SHape up at Home' 2010 and '10 Minute Pilates' 2014 both by Dennis publications.
I also write for many health and fitness publications including Health and Fitness Magazine, Women's Running, Weight Watchers, Body Fit, Ultra Fit amongst others.

There is no evidence to show that employees who take part in physical activity are less stressed and more productive than those who don't and take less time off work sick. Office workers with sedentary, seated jobs are also more likely to suffer from postural problems and back pain, costing employers in more ways than just sick leave. I work with forward-thinking companies to help their employees stay fit and healthy at work and at home.

I have been lucky enough to work with many great brands, some of whom I represent as Brand Ambassador.
Nutri Ninja,