Welcome to All Things Healthy!
Thanks for taking the time to visit 'All things healthy'! My name is Caroline Sandry, and I'm passionate about health, fitness and nutrition. I hope that I can inspire you to make some healthy changes to your life!
There is an ancient saying; You are as young as your spine is flexible; and that is why I teach Pilates! Whilst I do recommend running, cycling and other forms of exercise, none are possible without a healthy spine. A tree is only as strong as it's trunk and it is so with the human body.
Media & DVD's
All Things Healthy
30 Days to Flat Abs with Caroline Sandry
30 Days to Flat Abs is designed to help you train your core to be stronger and more toned in just one month. These 7 x 10 minute routines incorporated into Caroline's Daily Workout Calendar will strengthen your muscles and create a firmer tummy. All you need to do is follow Caroline's carefully laid out day-to-day schedule. These choreographed routines will strengthen and tone your entire core; your upper, mid and lower back, your waist, tummy, bottom and pelvis making you stronger and slimmer.
Why is it important for you to have strong abs? Because when our abdominal muscles are weak it can have a knock-on effect for how you feel in life! A weak core can leave you with backache, a big tummy, no definition in your waist, poor posture, less power, and can make you look and perform older than your years. Once you strengthen your core muscles, they will help to support your spine and keep your tummy muscles drawn in. Your spine will be more upright, your shoulders pulled back and you'll seem taller and slimmer, leaving you feeling more energised and more confident.
This DVD consists of a 30 Day Plan or you may choose one of the individual workouts:
Warm Up
Level 1 Pilates
Pilates for Posture
Standing Abs
Level 2 Pilates
Core Strengthener
Level 3 Pilates
Supercharged Abs
Pilates Tutorial: Correct alignment is key in Pilates so be sure to watch the tutorial prior to beginning the programme so you can make yourself familiar with Pilates terms such as Neutral Spine, etc. Caroline will lead you through the foundational moves of Pilates so you can get the most out of each posture and make sure you stay healthy and strong!
About Me
Contact Me
I've always been passionate about exercise and healthy living, but it wasn't until my late 20's and after a decade as a commercial model that I decided to turn that passion into a career. I had started out as a personal trainer and presented fitness products on QVC shopping TV when I was asked to present a Pilates machine. Not knowing enough about the subject, I embarked on a teacher training course and fell in love! Pilates is amazing and has been transformative for many of my clients.